specializes in building Bots

Bots are hot! Automate interactions with your customers, solve problems, get them targetted solutions, quicker and more accurately. has built bots that work in Chat software, as well as bots that post content or respond on Twitter. Check out some of the bots we've built below, and then reach out to ask us how we can help you automate your business with your very own custom bot.


A Twitter bot that posts hourly photos taken from a local webcam covering @Christoc's garden. Check it out @Gardentoc


A bot that ran on, built using C# and AIML, it responded to messages sent directly to the @ChatterBot account on that website.


A Twitter Bot that looked for people who ask What Day Is It? It originally ran on the twitter account @WhatDayIsItDate, it is currently offline.

Types of Bots

  • Twitter Bots
  • Chat Bots
  • Other